Welcome! I’m Lisa and I am so glad you’re here.
I guess you could call me the creator and project manager of Blossom & Roost.
Blossom & Roost offers locally grown seasonal specialty cut flowers right here in small town Birchwood, WI. What started as an idea, quickly evolved onto a path of planning, learning, and growing (literally and figuratively).
I felt a shift in myself and a strong calling to use my hands to bring joy and goodness to our local community. Flowers allowed me to do exactly that.
I hope to be a valuable resource for our community as I continue to grow specialty cut flowers that are local, fresh, and sustainable. While also being a source for locally made products.
Well… is it a farm, or is it a garden?
Blossom & Roost is technically both. It is a large glorified garden for flowers. However, it is planned, grown, and harvested in a way that ensures maximum yield of stems and blooms. In my opinion, this makes it more of a farm in terms of planting and harvesting. Each year, I plan out which crop, how many, how far apart, and when to harvest, so certain areas can be replanted and another crop started in it’s place. If one crop doesn’t perform or produce enough yield, it is pulled out and replaced.
Essentially it operates much like a farm.

Why buy local flowers?
After all, big box stores are probably cheaper anyway…
You should know where your products are coming from. Those flowers at Walmart or even the local supermarket… where do you think they are coming from?
- Don’t know? That’s OK, most people don’t
Over 80% of flowers in the U.S. are imported from other countries… yep.
- In fact, here is what the cut flower chain looks like in our country:
Foreign growers > Importer/Broker > Flown to Wholesaler > Distributed via truck to local wholesaler > Florists/Grocery Store > then FINALLY to you. Hmmm, that’s a lot of shuffling.
Local flowers = a larger variety of different floral blooms. Imported flowers are limited to only those varieties that will ship well and can get beat up in the process, and still attempt to look halfway decent.
Better for the environment! Less carbon emission through transport and shipping. Chemicals being used by large flower operations are harmful to pollinators and the environment. We use safe and organic methods to combat pests.
Buying local gives you the freshest blooms possible, and keeps the money back in our local economy and supporting our local farmers. Best reason to shop local.
Our flowers are truly fresh and often cut the same day you receive them.
I know flowers are not a necessity in your daily life, but I believe they provide nutrients for the soul and for our local community. Giving and receiving flowers brings a means of hope and undeniable joy into peoples lives. My hope is that Blossom and Roost will continue to spread joy into our small community and those who visit us.
~ Lisa