Dahlia Tuber Sale Coming Soon!
Dahlia Tuber Sale Guidelines
Please read our tuber sale guidelines in full prior to shopping our sale! Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in a canceled order- so please be familiar before you shop.
Our 2025 Dahlia Tuber sale will be on Saturday, March 1st at 9am CST. This will be our only online tuber sale for the 2025 year.
INVENTORY: Inventory will show as “Sold Out” until the sale.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: We are grateful for your support, and want you to be happy with your order. We do our best to ensure that tubers are true to variety and will arrive with at least one viable eye. Our tubers are stored in a quality controlled environment. Just like people, some may take longer to wake up! Some eyes may be sprouted already, and some may need a little bit more time to wake up from their winter slumber.
Please inspect your tubers upon arrival and contact us within 48 hours if you have any concerns. Be ready to send us a photo if there are any problems. After the 48 hours we are no longer liable for the health of your tubers. Please ensure they are safely stored (in a sealed, cool, but never freezing environment where they won’t shrivel) until you are able to plant. Report any concerns via email to: blossomandroost@gmail.com within 48 hours. We cannot be held responsible for improper storage, weather, growing conditions, pest damage, plant performance, or negligence.
SHIPPING: Flat rate shipping of $14. Tubers will ship in April/May once the weather looks to be suitable for shipping. We cannot fulfill early shipping requests. You will receive a notification once the order ships with a tracking number.
To pick up your order here at the farm please choose the pickup option at checkout. Our address will be included as part of your confirmation email.
CART: An item placed in your cart does not mean that item is reserved. Your order is only confirmed once you checkout and receive an order confirmation number and email. Please be aware that if you are trying to purchase many different varieties some may sell out before you are able to checkout. We appreciate your understanding.
COMBINING ORDERS: We can combine orders using a coupon code that MUST be used during any additional checkout. Coupon Code will be shared on sale date. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO USE THE CODE to receive free shipping on any additional tuber orders you make.
LIMIT OF LIABILITY: The buyer assumes all risk when buying tubers. Once the tuber is past the 48 hour mark and/or placed in the ground, Blossom & Roost can not be held responsible for outside factors that contribute to the health and vigor of the plant. Refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and will not exceed the cost of the tubers themselves. Blossom & Roost is not required to issue a refund, and is not liable for any monetary value beyond the value of the purchased tubers.
We hope to provide you with a great sale experience from our very small farm, and we hope you love your new dahlias.
Thank you,